Dates & Events | VS

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Dates & Events | VS

We cordially invite you to visit us at the following trade fairs and events, where we will present our newest products and concepts. Take the opportunity to meet out experts in person, get detailed information and gather inspiration.

Education trade fair didacta 2025

We will be exhibiting at Schulbau Leipzig on 15 and 16 April 2025. One of the trade fair's main themes is multifunctionality. We will be showcasing inspiring ideas and concepts. We will also be presenting our six service modules, which we can use to support architects and school management teams in the planning and realisation of their school project.

Advent promotion at the VS factory outlet

On 8 and 9 October 2025, teachers, school leaders and school authorities will meet in Berlin for the exitingedu education congress. Wednesday will be organised in the form of a bar camp. The main congress on Thursday will alternate between keynote speeches, presentations and discussions. We will be presenting ourselves at stand number 10 - with concepts for the educational world of today and tomorrow. 



From 6 to 8 May 2025, the world of digital education will meet at Messe Karlsruhe to network and exchange experiences. LEARNTEC, Europe's most important trade fair for digital education in schools, universities and the workplace, will showcase the solutions that future technologies offer for current issues in the world of learning and work. We also presented our latest solutions and our extensive services in this area here.


NeoCon 2025

NeoCon has served as the world’s leading platform and most important event of the year for the commercial interior design industry since 1969 in the US. ‘The Mart Chicago’ will open its doors again from 9 to 11 June 2025. Together with our subsidiary VS America, we will once again inspire visitors with innovative learning space concepts.

Educational fairs

We travel a lot to present our apprenticeships and dual study programmes and to attract young talent. We are accompanied by trainees and students as well as training managers and mentors. A good opportunity to find out more and make initial contacts. 

These dates have already been set:

  • 14. und 15.03.2025 Bildungsmesse Lauda
  • 19.03.2025 FN Zukunft Karriere in TBB
  • 22.03.2025 Tag des dualen Studiums DHBW Mosbach
  • 02.04.2025 FN Zukunft Karriere in Bad Mergentheim
  • 28.06.2025 Tag der Ausbildung von VS, Weinig und MAFI

Looking back


didacta 2024

From August 2026, the All-Day Education Act will be gradually introduced in Germany. At didacta, we therefore focussed on the topic of all-day schools - and hit the bull's eye. The need for information from the many visitors on precisely this topic was enormous. And we were able to offer them an intensive exchange of ideas as well as show them suggested solutions for room design. 


Orgatec 2024

Working environments in which motivated and successful learning can take place - that was our main theme at Orgatec 2024. Under the motto ‘Thought for thinking - made for learning. Rooms that create knowledge’, we showcased flexibly usable room concepts for the office learning and working environment, which we also refer to as knowledge and growth spaces. Because we are convinced that The key to a company's success lies in learning - the exchange and development of knowledge. 


Schulbau Copenhagen

On 13 and 14 June 2023, the ‘SCHULBAU Trade Fair’ was held in Copenhagen. VS was also there as an exhibitor. Among other things, we presented innovative educational construction projects at the trade fair. 

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Roots and values

We are a traditional family business in its fourth generation that has been supporting the development of modern educational centres for over 125 years. With deep-rooted expertise and many years of experience, we design spaces that promote learning and working cultures and create a sense of well-being. 

The marquee at VS's 125th anniversary celebrations was full to bursting.

Our anniversary celebration

We celebrated our 125th birthday in September 2023 with great joy: at a company party for all employees and their partners and at an open day to which all interested parties were invited. 

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