Vocational schools - ideas, furniture, room concepts | VS

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Vocational schools - ideas, furniture, room concepts | VS

Academy for communication, Heilbronn

Vocational school many paths lead to the goal

Vocational or vocational schools provide young people with initial vocational training and open up ways for them to achieve higher general school qualifications. One of their major advantages is their practical relevance. 

A classroom for tradespeople with JUMPER chairs and an interactive whiteboard by VS

Inspiring rooms

Spaces have an effect. They shape, enable and empower. They support, move or hinder teachers and learners. They influence the quality of learning and teaching. Are you looking for inspiration for your vocational school?

Woman in three different sitting positions on upholstered swivel chair PantoMove-Soft by VS: sideways, astride and facing forwards.

Ergonomics at School

Never before in history have people spent so many hours a day sitting as they do today.
Children and adolescents sit in the classroom, on the school bus, doing their homework. And not forgetting the time they sit at home eating, in front of the computer, in a waiting room. This has consequences for their health. As holistically thinking designers of school and office spaces, we help to make sitting better and healthier for all age groups - that also means: more dynamic.

The SpaceWalk mobile storage module with guide rails for Gratnells boxes


One minute here - the next minute there. Teaching today thrives on changing work scenarios in different rooms. This turns teachers into transport artists. Teaching materials need to be prepared, stored, brought into the classroom, tidied up and taken away again. A logistical masterpiece.

‘Geniuses don't fall from the sky. They must have the opportunity to train and develop.’

August Bebel, politician (1840–1913)


Our furniture can be found in schools all over the world that rely on our expertise. 

You want to know where everywhere? 

To overview

Raumkonzepte für berufliche Schulen

A classroom with student desks and the NF-Move student swivel chair by VS

Seminar room with EcoTable

Design a seminar room in which education and development take centre stage. Find out more about our room concept here.

An office for teaching staff with rectangular tables and upholstered NF-Compass chairs by VS

Teachers' room

Our teachers‘ and lecturers’ office is a place to share knowledge, to iscuss professional topics  and to work on tasks.

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If sitting for too long is harmful, is it better to work lying down?



Tested and Recommended: Not only have our products been awarded multiple certificates, so has our company.


Learning and moving

How can we design learning spaces so that they are as ergonomic as possible?

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