VS: Mr Ballendat, was there a ‘birth moment’ for VS Stakki?
I’ve always been fascinated by the subject of chairs. The first sketch of the VS Stakki came about in my studio by the Attersee in June 2017; that’s where I have my best ideas.
I wanted to reduce the chair to the absolute minimum, that was my vision: the least that is conceivable, but a maximum of function. The eventual product remained very close to the first sketches.
VS: How would you describe your idea?
I wanted to have a chair that provides every freedom and does everything with you. The VS Stakki is certainly an extraordinary and almost iconic chair – on three legs, manufactured in one piece, reduced to the extreme. There’s nothing on it that is too much. It can be sat on from all sides, can be stacked professionally, is sturdy, functional and can be used anywhere.
VS: What’s iconic about it?
The VS Stakki is intrinsically iconic because it realises a new shape model and thus creates a very unusual shape. Viewed from above, it looks like a graphically reduced symbol, autonomous with a strong recognition value. And super light, space-saving and unbelievably comfortable.

"The triangular shape of the chair is clever. It gives you the freedom to sit in whatever way you are feeling at that moment. And doesn’t get in the way if you want to stretch your legs out to the side."
Martin Ballendat
VS: Can you really sit comfortably on a triangular chair?
The triangular shape is clever. It gives you the freedom to sit in whatever way you are feeling at that moment. And doesn’t get in the way if you want to stretch your legs out to the side. The chair has a small area, but exactly enough for you to be able to sit well. And the shape has major advantages. VS Stakki takes up little space, it can be pushed together very tightly – like a piece of cake. Eight chairs fit around a 1-metre diameter round table.
VS: What is typically Ballendat about the VS Stakki?
It is innovative! This product has never been like this before, it has its own handwriting and form language, which came about from lovingly balancing the details. Perfecting the forms in line with feasibility: That’s definitely a trademark of my studio, which works differently from most of my designer colleagues – namely, operating model-building, construction and engineering under a single roof, highly professionally. I have been a designer for 35 years now and have designed several chairs that are innovative, but I am especially proud of the VS Stakki. It really has an exceptionally independent character.
How long did it take from the idea to the product?
All of the professions are represented in my office, right up to high-tech prototyping with a 5-axis CNC milling machine, several 3D printers and 3D laser scanners. We think and work very practically and with a goal-oriented approach. The development time for the VS Stakki was around six months until the prototype was passed. Then it was time for the detailed engineering. Good design must be absolutely perfect, especially if it is reduced. You must be able to rely on every detail functionally.
VS: What about the product's sustainability?
I think it’s exemplary! The chair comprises only one part, so there’s no material mix, and it is minimalistic, using very little material. It can also be easily recycled. The VS Stakki can simply be shredded, just as it is. And the material can then be reused.
VS: How did the partnership with VS come about?
It was obvious that this product could only be manufactured by someone with real strength in national and international sales. Because the crux was the need for a monobloc injection moulding process, which requires considerable investment in tools. And they can only be made by someone who makes really high volumes. VS seemed perfect to me because, firstly, the company is capable of manufacturing large numbers of units, secondly is involved in many sectors, from school to office, and, thirdly, is a well-known and respected brand! That is the type of company that suits us. And I believe that we have done a fantastic job together.

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