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Work table with stackable Stakkis and the classic wooden skid chair by VS

Communication Promoting collaboration

Communicate more productively in a relaxed atmosphere. Furniture can further support the efficient spontaneity of such an open communication area and promote cooperation - for example, through uncomplicated furnishings that perfectly meet every need. There is space for larger discussion groups as well as for informal meetings in small groups, for brainstorming and exchanging ideas as well as for working on a laptop. Just take a seat!

Work table with stackable Stakkis and the classic wooden skid chair by VS
Model: 03811
VS StakkiThree-legged chair, stackable,
Fixed seat heights: 4/6 details
EcoTable 120x60cm, Rundbein
Model: 23007
EcoTable-RRectangular table,
welded four-legged steel frame
W × D 120 × 60 cmFixed heights: 0/2/3/4/5/6/7 details
Classic Holzkufenstuhl
Model: 03101
ClassicWooden skid chairFixed seat heights: 3/4/5/6 details
Garderobe 80x160cm
Model: 22066
Garderobe 80x160cmScreenPlus, Wardrobe, Base black, WxD 80x30cm,
161cm high
A meeting room with the VS TeamTable high table and upholstered VS PantoMove swivel chairs with foot ring

Communication – Spontaneous exchange

Furniture also contributes to a good conversation - by providing the right setting for communication as required.

Meeting room with oval conference table and a wooden cabinet of the JustBe series by VS

Communication – In a trustful atmosphere

Discussions that take place in a pleasant and inclusive atmosphere generally lead to better results.

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