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Meeting room with oval conference table from the JustBe series and Fan upholstered armchairs by VS

Communication Creative collaboration

Who says that work meetings can't take place in a pleasant, inviting atmosphere? Not with a table like this at the centre - a meeting table that groups and integrates the entire group around it. And its rounded oval shape alone makes it stand out from the crowd. The use of beech is also atmospherically convincing. Together with the comfortable conference chairs, this creates a highly dynamic communication space.

Meeting room with oval conference table from the JustBe series and Fan upholstered armchairs by VS
JustBe Besprechungstisch 300x120cm
Model: 20262
JustBe (Table)Oval table,
beech frame
W × D 300 × 120 cm details
Fan Polstersessel, Spinnenfuss
Model: 31737
FanArmchair with 4-star spider base details
FlexiPanel, 1Ebene+BKL, wandmontiert
Model: 07882
FlexiPanelRail for level 1 with clamping stripW × H 100 × 120 cm details
JustBe Schrank 1OH, li Schub, re Schub
Model: 40625
JustBe Schrank 1OH, li Schub, re SchubJustBe low cabinet, centre partition, left and right 2 drawers
each, drawer fronts in body finish,
cover panel with shadow gap, W/H/D 180x64x45cm
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