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A coffee kitchen with high table, bar stools Solo and upholstered furniture HiBack and LowBack from the Lounge series by VS

Meeting point Promoting communication

The best solution is rarely found alone. It often requires spontaneous dialogue with others. To come up with new, further-reaching ideas. What could be better suited to this than an open meeting place that creates space for informal meetings and encounters? Whether at a high table with a stool or relaxed in a pleasant lounge atmosphere - here you will find inviting conditions for short consultations and communication-orientated work.

A coffee kitchen with high table, bar stools Solo and upholstered furniture HiBack and LowBack from the Lounge series by VS
Serie Lounge, HiBack 90°-Ecke 160cm re.
Model: 30118
Serie Lounge, HiBack 90°-Ecke 160cm re.Serie Lounge-HiBack, corner element 90°, right,
with 96.8cm high back, WxD 160x80cm
Garderobe 80x160cm
Model: 22066
Garderobe 80x160cmScreenPlus, Wardrobe, Base black, WxD 80x30cm,
161cm high
Solo Hocker
Model: 03826
Solo HockerSolo stool, stackable,
with 4 footrests at different heights
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