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Homework supervision with Shift+ Primary school

Our homework supervision room combines various learning options - from group tables to individual tables, retreats and floor-level learning. Every child will find the space that suits their learning needs. 

Shift+ Schrankmodul 60° 3OH T425-beids
Model: 45337
Shift+ LandscapeShelving cabinet (60° curve) with middle partition,
can be used on both sides
W × H × D 152.6 × 129.0 × 42.5 cm details
Beistellmöbel Gugl, D=63cm
Model: 01486
Beistellmöbel Gugl, D=63cmGugl, accompanying unit with storage space function
and removable cover, stackable substructure,
ø 63 cm, height 39.8 cm
Shift+ Tisch Freiform Flip, 141x79cm
Model: 01451
Shift+ BaseMobile folding table,
steel T-frame
W × D 141 × 79 cmFixed heights: 0/2/3/4/5/6/7; height-adjustable: 3–7 and 74 cm details

Homework support – Secondary school

Our design of the homework support area is based on the belief that all pupils should have the opportunity to improve their academic skills.


Homework supervision, Learning office – Secondary school

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