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Homework support Secondary school

This room creates a supportive environment in which students can concentrate and effectively complete their homework or work on breastfeeding tasks. Pupils can find everything they need materials they need can be found in the Gratnells plastic bins. If the room needs to be rearranged, this can be done quickly thanks to the lightweight and mobile furniture.

Shift+ Schrankmodul-BOX 2,5OH
Model: 45325
Shift+ LandscapeShelving cabinet with 2 middle partitionsW × H × D 105.5 × 110.2 × 42.5 cm details
Rondo Hocker, Sitzhöhe 35-55cm
Model: 03823
Rondo FixStool, stackable
four-legged steel frame
Fixed seat heights: 3/4/5/6/7 details
Shift+ Schrankmodul-Schulranzen 2OH
Model: 45321
Shift+ LandscapeCabinet for 3 school bags and boxesW × H × D 105.5 × 91.5 × 42.5 cm details

Homework supervision with Shift+ – Primary school

A spacious area needs to be designed. Our proposal for this group room is based on the Shift+ series.


Homework supervision, Learning office – Secondary school

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