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VS wardrobe with bench on the shoe rack

Cloakroom with shoe rack Primary school

Keeping things tidy made easy: Cloakrooms with shoe racks are important elements in primary schools. The Welcome coat rack panel with double hooks offers space for many jackets. Street shoes are kept neatly organised thanks to the shoe cupboard and are replaced with clean slippers on arrival.

VS wardrobe with bench on the shoe rack
Garderobenpaneel 4OH, HxB 159x100
Model: 40031
WelcomeCoat stand panel (high) with 4 double hooksW × H 100 × 159 cm details
Schuhschrank BxT 100x35
Model: 40032
Schuhschrank BxT 100x35Welcome shoe shelf with central panel and 2 fixed shelves,
4 compartments for 2 pairs of shoes each, for installation in
front of the Welcome wardrobe panel
Overall W/H/D 100/40,2/35 cm
Carcass W/H/D 100/39,4/35 cm (*)
(*) plus base, if necessary cover plate
Model: 03825
HokkiHokki, plastic stool for active sitting details
VS Puzzle table with Stakkis in front of a wardrobe in a primary school

Cloakroom with common area – Primary school

Come in, but the dirt stays outside - because just behind the school door, the children change from their street shoes to their slippers.

A display with the substitute schedule is hanging in the corridor of a school

Corridor – Primary school

The school corridor offers ideal space for a digital notice board. Of course, we also have this in our portfolio.

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