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Workplaces with M-Table cheek tables, JUMPER upholstered swivel chairs and HiBack round upholstered furniture by VS

Library University

The library is the centrepiece of every university, and our furniture helps to promote the exchange of knowledge and research. Quality, versatility and comfort are at the centre of our concept. Our furniture provides an inspiring learning environment and supports students and researchers alike.

Workplaces with M-Table cheek tables, JUMPER upholstered swivel chairs and HiBack round upholstered furniture by VS
Jumper Move Obj Plus FU, Vollpol, Gr 7
Model: 33572
JUMPER Ply Move PlusHigh swivel chair, height-adjustable,
seatshell plywood, upholstery
Wangentisch, 160x80cm, Steh
Model: 20433
M-TableRectangular standing table,
with side panels, with foot rail
W × D 160 × 80 cm details
S2000 Funktionsstellwand, 80x112,5 cm
Model: 05400
2000 series Type FLinked functional partition (basic element), 2 x linksW × H 80 × 112.5 cm details
Serie Lounge, HiBack 90°-Ecke 160cm re.
Model: 30118
Serie Lounge, HiBack 90°-Ecke 160cm re.Serie Lounge-HiBack, corner element 90°, right,
with 96.8cm high back, WxD 160x80cm
A VS TeamTable bar table with upholstered PantoMove-Soft chairs by VS in front of a wall of bookshelves

Library – Adult education

The library is a place of learning, research and discovery where individual education is optimally promoted. Click here for further suggestions.

HiBack armchairs from the Lounge series by VS in a school library

Library with seating area – Secondary school

The design of modern school libraries is about more than just bookshelves. They are places of inspiration, learning and exchange.

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