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Area for learning according to the New Learning principles of VS

New Learning Diversity of possibilities

Purely functional spaces hinder the development of creativity and cooperation as they do not adequately take into account people's needs for an appealing cultural environment. Employees are looking for a learning and working environment in which they are valued and feel comfortable, which appeals to and supports them as a multidimensional being with body, soul and spirit. Rooms that are both an attractive learning and development space. Spaces that bring movement and diversity to learning.

Area for learning according to the New Learning principles of VS
Serie Lounge, Highback-Drehsessel
Model: 30186
Lounge SeriesSwivel chair with high backø 79 cmIn 2 fixed seat heights details
Cloud Sitzhocker, ø 40cm, 52cm hoch
Model: 09380
CloudBeanbagW × H × D 40 × 40 × 52 cm details
S800 Nische-Aufsatz 3OH, BxT 100x47,5
Model: 47881
S800 Nische-Aufsatz 3OH, BxT 100x47,5Serie 800 niche
W/H/D -100/112,5/47,5 cm
Area for learning according to the New Learning principles of VS

New Learning – Successful room concepts

Developing competences instead of reproducing knowledge. We develop ideas for future-oriented and successful learning landscapes.

Mobile high tables TriUnion by VS with partition walls on castors

Project work – Learning and development space

In the beginning was the triangle. Shapes that break out of the usual mould can often offer more possibilities.

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