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Meeting point according to the New Learning principles of VS

Meeting point Relaxation zone

Think out of the box: There should also be space for regeneration and relaxation in the modern world of work. Just like in sports, there is no development without recovery and no success without regular breaks. Take a deep breath every now and then and clear your head: Even a few minutes every couple of hours can make all the difference. This requires furniture that provides employees with an attractive offer and invites new productivity.

Meeting point according to the New Learning principles of VS
Shift+ Sitzmodul 60° Gr. 2-4-6
Model: 09329
Shift+ Landscape (Seating)Upholstered 60° curved seating elementW × D 109.9 × 52.8 cmFixed seat heights: 2/4/6 details
Cloud Sitzhocker, ø 40cm, 52cm hoch
Model: 09380
CloudBeanbagW × H × D 40 × 40 × 52 cm details
Cloud Sitzsack, ø105cm,ca.140cm hoch
Model: 09383
CloudBeanbagW × H × D 105 × 105 × 140 cm details
Break room as a meeting area with the LowBack and HiBack armchairs from the VS Lounge series

Meeting point – Rethinking collaboration

If non-territorial working is part of everyday life in a company, then it needs offers for collaboration - furniture that creates meeting points.

An office coffee kitchen with the high table JustBe by VS

Meeting point – Cosy and inviting

A table can also serve as an invitation. For informal meetings or creative breaks. It becomes a meeting place for more productivity.

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