Care / Leisure Time Room Concepts Education

Homework supervision with Shift+ – Primary school
A spacious area needs to be designed. Our proposal for this group room is based on the Shift+ series.
Differentiation – Secondary school
Differentiation rooms are ideal for separating learning groups. The new room situation is challenging and encourages independent learning.
Chill-out with lounge – Vocational school
Chilling out at school? Of course, because it helps you relax and energises you for learning. We design such ‘refuelling rooms’ depending on the type and level of school, but always in such a way that the pupils feel comfortable here and the room can cope well with the changing users.
Chill-out with cushion mats – Primary school
Children intuitively know what is good for them when learning and therefore change their learning position as required - if we give them the opportunity to do so. Upholstered mats, for example, help them to learn close to the floor.
Chill-out with floor mats – Primary school
Gerne unterstützen wir Sie dabei, eine inspirierende Umgebung für ihre Schüler zu schaffen. Hier gelenagen Sie zu weiteren Anregungen
Homework supervision – Primary school
Our homework supervision room is an inspiring place to learn and practise. But it also offers plenty of opportunities to get creative.
Chill-out with Leaf – Primary school
A place where children can read, play, relax and retreat. See here how you can design a chill-out area at your primary school with our furniture.
Homework support – Secondary school
Our design of the homework support area is based on the belief that all pupils should have the opportunity to improve their academic skills.
Homework supervision, Learning office – Secondary school
Optimieren Sie den Lernraum! Entdecken Sie unser Raumkonzept für Hausaufgabenbetreuung in weiterführenden Schulen. Klicken Sie jetzt, um die perfekte Umgebung zu schaffen, die Schülerinnen und Schüler bei ihren Hausaufgaben unterstützt und ihre Lernziele fördert.
Learning studio with learning offices – Secondary school
Schaffen Sie eine produktive Lernumgebung! Unsere Hausaufgabenbetreuungsräume für weiterführende Schulen bieten nicht nur die notwendige Ruhe, sondern auch ergonomische Möbel, die Schüler bei ihren Hausaufgaben unterstützen. Entdecken Sie jetzt intelligente Raumkonzepte, die das Lernen fördern.